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Tijanna O. Eaton (TÉ™-zha-na) is a Pushcart Prize-nominated Black, queer butch writer whose work appears in Honey Literary, Noyo Review, Panorama Journal, and Yellow Arrow Publishing.  She is a 2024 Soros Justice Fellow, the 2024 Best of the Net nonfiction judge, a 2023 Rooted & Written Fellowand the proud recipient of the 2021 Unicorn Authors Club's inaugural Alumni Award.  She is also a former recidivist and homeless drug addict who has been clean and sober since 1994. 


Her nonfiction memoir, BOLT Cutters, is the story of her 12 arrests in three years in the early 1990s during the height of the crack epidemic.  From April 2022 until August 2023, Tijanna read her entire book to a live audience in weekly increments.  This is a memoir in search of a publisher.  Please contact Anna Ghosh at Ghosh Literary.


Tijanna was co-creator of a queer POC recovery conference in San Francisco in the late 90s, was the POC Liaison to the International Ms. Leather competition from 2015 to 2017, and was on the QWOCMAP Board of Directors from 2016 to 2018.  She has been a card-carrying member of the Exiles since 1998.​


Having served on the Five Keys Schools and Programs Board of Directors since 2006, Tijanna ascended to Board Chair in 2021.  She directs the Bolt Cutters Cohort at Unicorn Authors Club and worked at a Fortune 100 company for over 25 years.


If you would like to invite Tijanna to speak, please contact her at  Topics include:

  • recidivism, jail, drug abuse, homelessness, sex work, heroin, crack epidemic, tent cities

  • recovery, recovery meetings, redemption

  • kink, BDSM, sex, sexuality, Black Joy and Black Excellence

  • social justice writing, individual coaching, organizing a manuscript


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